Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Deferent between Logical style and Physical style.

We are working with a text in HTML,There are two deferent character tags 
         1. Physical style
         2.Logical style

What are the Physical styles?

           <font size="6"
           <p><b>Hi I am Pubudu</b></p>
           <p><i>Hi I am Pubudu</b></i>
           <p><s>Hi I am Pubudu</b></s>
           <p><small>Hi I am Pubudu</b></small></p>
           <p>Hi im <u>Pubudu</u></p>
           </font size="6">

What are the Logical styles? 
           <font size="6"
           <p><em>Hi i am Pubudu</em></p>
           <p>Hi i am<strong>Pubudu</strong></P>
           <p>Hi <code>i am</code> Pubudu</p>
           <p><samp>Hi</samp> i am Pubudu</p>
           <p>Hi i am <kbd>Pubudu</kbd></p>
           <p>Hi i am <ins>Pubudu</ins></p>
           <p><del>Hi</del> i am Pubudu</p>
           </font size="6">

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