Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

History and Evolution 

What is this hypertext markup language? In short it means that is the language used to design web pages. HTML was born in 1980, for a system to “CERN”. The CERN is the European organization for nuclear research. First time those researchers won’t to share their documents. So Sir Tim Berners-Lee had written a software name call “ENQUIRE”. It was a simple hypertext program. After that it was the predecessor to the World Wide Web.

After that the first HTML document born in 1991 called “HTML Tag” is the simple design of HTML

How it works.

HTML is written by according to HTML elements. The text mixed with markup Tags. That tags enclosed in angle brackets. Like (<H1>Interdiction </H1>) according to this first tag is starting tag and the last tag is the end tag. We can call they are opening tags and closing tags .using this things we can create web page. We can add text, tags, comments, images for our web page. 

Basic tag system

This is are the basic tags we used in web pages

                      <p> My Self<p>



                       <p>I am Pubudu Ratnasiri.I am from Kandy.</p>
            <br />

            <img src="pubudu/Photo.JPG">



After that we can got our web page like this….


Advantages and Disadvantages


-  We can make a web page using not pad. We don’t need to use any other software.

 - HTML easy to work.

 - Not only web pages, we can create programs like games and text editor.  


- HTML is not a programming language, so we can’t do things like save user inputs.

-we have to learn murk up language to HTML.

-HTML is complex and incompatible.

Other technologies working with HTML.

Cascading style sheet (CSS) 

This is the style sheet language. This application is common style for a web page. 


We can used PHP for web development this is also scripting language.


This is a web application frame work from this we can build dynamic web site, web applications and web servers. 

Java Script

This is also scripting language. And this a multiy –pardaium language