Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cascading style sheets (CSS)

What is the cascading style sheet?

Cascading style sheet is language that working with HTML. This is a style sheet language common for style web pages. This is a simple mechanism for adding colors or fonts to html documents. CSS gives great style for our web pages. 

What is the History and evolution?

In 1970, start development of the “standard Generalized Markup language .in there they have been used style sheet. After that CSS were created. There are some levels of CSS. Css1 published in 1996.CSS2 published in 1998.css3published in 1999.

What about the Real life usage?

There are some of benefits in CSS usage.css easy to maintain. it can control the appearance of multiple HTML  documents. CSS easy to combine with HTML documents and CSS got a smaller file size.

What are the browser compatibility 

Actually a CSS design shows different in browsers. CSS not work in early versions of internet explorer and so we have to validate it. 

           This is a Link for it: 

Advantages and Disadvantages


-The file size is the useful feature of CSS .what because it layout and style from HTML so HTML file is smaller.

-In CSS easy to change document and styles.

-CSS pages are not slowly to load, it lording fast. 


-CSS don’t working in every browser.

-In HTML we can used several background images for every element. But CSS can support only one.


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