Wednesday, November 23, 2011


What are the Html Forms?

The Html from can pass the data to sever. Using Html forms we can create input elements. Like buttons, text fields, check boxes are some of them. 

History and evolution

Real life usage
Html forms are using every web designers. What because it easy to add simple input element. So everyone uses this.Let see small example for the input element.I am going to create a text filed input elements. Let see the codes what we can used.

           <title>HTML FROMS</title>
      <body><body style="background color:456746"
            <font face="Arial Rounded MT Bold">
            <font size="20">
            <font color="#74ds21">
            <h style="text-align:center">What are the Html froms</h>
            </font face="Arial Rounded MT Bold">
            </font size="20">
            </font color="#74da21">
                     <font size="20">
                <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Username" >
                E-mail add:
                <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="E-mail add" ><P>


Browser compatibility

All browsers can support for Html forms 


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