Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Java Applets

What is Java Applet?

   According to java “Applet” is like a plug-in and it is a small application. It’s working with a one special task and that task runs with big program. This Java applet used “virtual machine” to run. The Virtual Machine is an operating system. it can install guest operating systems with normal host operating system.

History and Evolution 

 In 1995 Java applet is come with programming language and it join to java byte code.

Real life usage 

We can use java applets for our web page that creating in HTML. We can give interactive features to our web application. Mostly we can see java applets are used in online games. The Java Applets are very useful to beginners. These java applets can display media files that not supported to browses. So web designers like to use these java applets.    

Browser compatibility 

Java applet is like a plug-in.so we have to install it. Using java applets we can work with Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft internet explorer, Netscape, Comino, opera/we can used like that browsers to this.

Advantages and Disadvantages


-Java Applet embedded with web browser. 

-It’s free.

-Java is Platform independent (can use with windows  Mac as well as Linux).

-Java applet is very simple. Easy for learn.

- The easiest scripting language for web ( comparing with VB).

-Java applets are past.

-Java applets are very quick to load. 


-This needs to install a plug-in for use.

-Comparing with HTML there is difficulties to design a good interface using this. 

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