Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Java Script

What Is Java Script?

We can add java Script interactively to our HTML page. In other way we can say this is an interpreted language. What is the meaning of this word “Script?”According to java Script it means this is a light whit programming language.

History and evolution.

In 1991 Sir James Gosling,Patrick Naudhton and Mike sheriden In “Mascot Microsystems”, start to create this Java Language. Actually this create for inter active television. After five years they relieved that first version of Java 1.0 in 1995.

Real life usage.

In web designing we can used Java script. Java script is like a programming tool for HTML web designers. Using java scripts we can read and write HTML elements. We can create cookies also using this java script. Every ones like to use Java, because it is safe and it improved day by day. Now to all java programs web designers used Java API tool for coding.API help to understand method of the programming.

Browser  Compatibility.

Modern every browsers support To Java Script. like Microsoft internet explorer, Google Chrome, Apple safari, Mozilla Firefox.   

Advantages and Disadvantages.


-Java is simple and easy to learn.

-we can move Java to from one computer system to anther computer system. We can say it platform-independent.

-we can connect several computers and network it.java can distributed computing with easy.   


-Some times this uses some java plug-in.

-Speed is anther disadvantage. 



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